Easy Brews

We have drawn on our families’ generations of knowledge and experience in Chai to develop our own sensory palate which drives the ingredients we use, leading to a superior product unrivaled in quality.
The secret is assembling and preparing chai ingredients using our Ayurvedic and traditional approach which brings out the best in each of the ingredients we use.

Welcome !

Want to experience an exotic journey in a cup ?

Our Chai is made using only organic ingredients as we believe this is a crucial factor in developing the best possible product. Unlike our competitors, we don’t compromise on the quality of our ingredients, so you can be rest- assured that the Chai you are drinking is of the highest standard.

Many people have only tried Chai from their local cafes. Unfortunately, the vast majority of cafes do not prioritise the quality of the Chai they sell and use premade syrups or sugary powders, diluting the true way Chai should taste. 

Our Chai is made using only the highest quality ingredients and processes, leading to a vastly superior product that you can taste for yourself!

Below I have two Chai brewing methods which will give you a consistently great tasting and aromatic Chai every single time, whether it be made on an espresso machine using the steamer or the stove top method which you can use from the comfort of your own home.

Two easy methods for you to use so you can taste the difference for yourself :)

The Stovetop Method.

There is a wide acceptance that manual brewing methods allow for superior cup of chai, and there is a reason for it and in fact, it also explains why our chai is powdered.

Manual brewing methods allow for better extraction of flavours from the tea leaves and chai spices, leading to a stronger and more palatable taste.


Step 1: Measure a small cup of milk (you can use any milk you prefer!) and pour it into your boiling utensil.

Step 2: With the scoop provided inside every pack of our chai, measure 1 flat scoop and mix it in the cold milk.

Step 3: Next set the heat according to how quickly you want your cup of chai; medium heat if you are in a hurry, gentle heat if you are cruising through the day. 

Step 4: Let the mixture boil and, once bubbling, turn off the heat. Mix it with a long spoon and let it simmer for 2-3 mins.

Strain and pour into your favourite cup, then sit back, and enjoy!


The Cafe Method.

We call it the cafe method solely because in a cafe, a Barista uses the steamer from the coffee machine to make our chai. 

Both of our chai products (Opera chai and Chai plus) are specially designed and formulated for cafes, giving you peace of mind that you are drinking one of the highest quality chai products on the market. 

Sensational, cafe-quality chai in just minutes, and, from the comfort of your very own home with no storage hassle. No special fridges or cool rooms, just keep it locked in an airtight container in a dry place, away from direct sunlight.


Step 1: Pour milk into the pitcher.

Step 2: Add 1 flat scoop of chai into the milk (1 flat scoop = 1 small cup), (1.5 flat scoop = 1 Regular cup).

Step 3: Steam it at 65 -70 degrees.

Step 4: Strain, and then sprinkle a little bit of our chai dust or cinnamon and serve!

Note: Add a teaspoon of honey if using Chai Plus. Opera Chai already has a little bit of Panela, but feel free to add a dash of honey if you want it sweeter still. It’s all down to personal preference!


Authentic and traditional every single time.

The drink should have a fantastic tea color owing to the strictly high grown, single estate tea, which you can taste in the drink!

A bold, unique and delicious taste!


If putting 1 spoon of Chai was a little too strong for you, try putting slightly less, just under the rim of the scoop.
If you are using Almond or Soymilk, put slightly less than 1 flat scoop, roughly ¾ of the scoop.

If you prefer your chai sweeter, add 1 teaspoon of honey. Our Chai Plus is already slightly sweetened with natvia, but its all down to personal preference! If it's not sweet enough for you, feel free to add a dash of honey as you would with our Opera Chai.

Brew the perfect tea for your senses to enjoy.